Have you heard of slabjacking? Mud jacking? Concrete raising?
Whatever you call it, it's a fast, cost effective solution to lift, level and stabilize settled concrete slab-on-grade structures.
In other words, if a section of your driveway or your whole driveway has sunk or your sidewalk is wobbly this is a cost effective solution for you.
It can also be used to lift up garage floors, warehouse floors and retail entrances.
It's a very simple process, a small hole is drilled, foam is injected to lift the concrete and then the hole is filled. DONE!
Concrete driveways are usually made in sections. Quite often one or more of these sections will sink. In most cases this is due to a poor foundation, often made worse by poor water drainage. Concrete will also settle due to ground movement, heavy loads being placed on that section, or vehicles constantly driven or parked there.
There are then two ways to fix this:
1. Remove the slab and pour a brand new section of concrete. This involves a lot of work, time and money. If there are concrete slabs next to the one being repaired there will be a color difference for a while. Also, slab replacement creates a great deal of waste. Used concrete, when not recycled, typically ends up in the landfill, where it sits forever.
2. Raise the slab by lifting the concrete also known as slabjacking. This lifting process involves drilling one or more small holes through the slab and a foam is injected slowly into the area under the sunken slab. As the foam is injected it raises the slab, returning it to its original height or position. Keep in mind that this option is for slabs that are in good condition, slabs with numerous cracks or crumbling concrete cannot be lifted successfully.
Did you know that almost all concrete failure in Manitoba occurs because of a poor supporting base due to inadequate sub-soil compaction or water drainage. When the supporting base compacts or is washed away the concrete slab then settles and often also shifts and cracks. Freeze/thaw cycles in Manitoba also affect slabs on an improper or saturated sub-base.
In most cases slab jacking is substantially cheaper that replacement and is done in a matter of hours with with minimal disruption, and are ready for use the same day.
If you are interested, please contact our office and we can come and have a look at your problem area.